Bobbi-Sue Menard

Regional Director - Edmonton


I’m Bobbi Menard. I’m running to be your UCP director in Edmonton. The future of Alberta’s conservative movement includes Edmonton. Our Edmonton CAs are working hard to build the resources to win seats in the next election. Currently, I’m happy to be a part of that hard work as a VP Communications in Edmonton North West. I’m asking for your vote as Edmonton Director to help build our region and win elections.

Our party is built on the values that make our Province great. I am dedicated to supporting our Party, Premier and Province. I’m not affiliated with any group. Our provincial board needs passionate regional advocates who believe in the conservative vision of Alberta’s future. That future includes winning seats in Edmonton.

It will be challenging. Conservatives in Edmonton don’t deserve another election cycle with only NDP representation.

I have shown that I’m dedicated to helping the grassroots and volunteers come together and form winning teams. As a VP Communications I’ve led phone call campaigns, planned events and fundraising, communications and member stewardship. I’ve shared the learnings and tools with other CAs and walked the talk in helping build our party.

I believe that the case for winning seats in Edmonton is real. But, it will take steady work for the next two years both on the ground and at the Provincial Board. This includes ensuring the CAs have what they need for every aspect of their ground game. I have the ground game knowledge to make the vision real – I served as the campaign manager for Spruce Grove-Stony Plain in the last election.

Thank you for doing the research into your candidates for Edmonton Director. You can learn more about me at I welcome your emails through the website and hope to chat with you in the weeks before the AGM. I humbly ask for your support and vote.