Nathan Neudorf



After working as a journeyman carpenter, business owner and project manager for nearly 30 years, Nathan Neudorf was first elected as the MLA for Lethbridge-East on April 16, 2019.

As MLA, Nathan served as chair of the Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future, as well as many other cabinet and standing committees. His gift of team building and his ability to connect diverse viewpoints led to his appointment as Chair of the United Conservative Caucus. On October 24, 2022, he was sworn in as the Minister of Infrastructure and Deputy Premier.

Nathan was prepared for his political service by extensive prior experience in the field of commercial and residential construction – as a red seal journeyman carpenter, business owner and project manager; obtaining his civil and structural engineering diploma from BCIT in 1994. His years in construction developed strong skills in communication, problem solving, and teambuilding.

As a way to give back to the industry that employed him for 30 years, Nathan served as president of the Lethbridge Construction Association and on the board of directors for the Alberta Construction Association, Alberta Construction Safety Association and the Workers Compensation Board.

Whether it’s strapping on a tool belt, chairing a board meeting, or managing a multi-million-dollar project, Nathan’s deep and diverse connections in Lethbridge and across the Province make him an excellent advocate for our region.

Nathan, his wife, Deanne, and their five children live in Lethbridge. His family is his biggest inspiration in everything he does, and they have been his biggest cheerleaders throughout his time as MLA. Serving in public office has been a lifelong dream of his and it has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It is with deep gratitude and excitement that he is running again to be the MLA for Lethbridge-East, and his primary goal is to continue to bring caring, compassionate and competent leadership for our great riding.