Rob Smith

Valerie Boese
Formed on July 22, 2017, the United Conservative Party of Alberta was elected to government by Albertans on April 16, 2019, and re-elected on May 29, 2023, with a mandate to stand up for Albertans and make Alberta as strong and free as it can be.
As a party, we stand united on the following principles that guide our vision for a stronger Alberta:
The UCA Board of Directors Membership Rules & Procedures Document can be found here.
All ordinarily Alberta residents can qualify for a membership today if:
Our members are vital to the success of our party. Every member not only receives exclusive updates and features, but puts you directly in the driver’s seat. Your membership puts you in control. Alberta’s conservative movement can be strong because of your voice! Here’s what a membership can do for you:
Our logos and images represent our identity and the essence of the party. They are a mix of a fresh face of the party with an emphasis on the greatest symbol of the province: the Alberta flag.
Samantha Steinke
Bobbi-Sue Menard
Brad LaForge
Jackie Lovely
Shane Getson
Copyright © 2024 United Conservative Association. All Rights Reserved.
Authorized by the United Conservative Party of Alberta 1-888-465-2660